We appreciate hearing about your successes

Your success is our success
We know innovation is not about buying technology for the sake of buying technology. Our main focus is supporting you in educating the whole child. And, as many of us have seen, this type of focus contributes to more well-rounded, successful students who graduate and go into the workforce as productive citizens.
Thanks for the Love
“The differences in student choices come down to their personal and interpersonal skills. Students who use reThinkIt! have immediate access to guidance and support to build those skills and become more successful.”
Amy McIntyre, Fine Arts teacher and department chair, Bellaire HS, Houston, TX
“I appreciate the thoroughness of the process in helping students process what happened. It was a lot of typing, but I think that’s probably a good thing. I could say as much as I wanted or as little.”
Lisa Brown, M.A., SEL Specialist, Austin, TX
“reThinkIt! is helpful with school discipline because it establishes clear and calm communication between student and administrator, thus allowing issues to be resolved more quickly and students to be in the classroom learning.”
Jennifer Furlong, LPC-S
“The mobile, AI-based app, reThinkIt!, offers a unique solution to a critical issue facing municipal and school district policy makers. Too often, disadvantaged youth end up on the school-to-prison pipeline because adults didn’t have the information needed to intervene effectively at the onset of disruptive behavior.”
Christi Martin, Attorney and Public Policy Strategist, Austin, TX
“The reThinkIt! app can serve as a bridge to initiate conversation and support. We found last year that a couple of students who came in for help, felt better after using the app and were ready to go back to class right away!”
Jennifer Rivera-Enriquez, MA, LPC-I, Program Manager, Communities in Schools of Central Texas
“Through working with students, I have a front-row seat to one of the most stressful times in their life. Sometimes, their stress is compounded by having to revisit and explain a poor decision they made in their younger years. If only they could have used reThinkIt! to anonymously discuss their situation and reach a better solution.”
Teresa Herrin, Co-Founder, American College Tours, Austin, TX
“Alex’s body language started out with her sitting next to me with that ‘I’ll-give-it-a -try’ pre-teen glance. Before long she was curled up at the other end of the couch, listening and participating with reThinkIt!. She had had a frustrating day and reThinkIt! helped her let go and think rationally about how to face tomorrow.”
Lisa Hrabluk, parent, Canada
“reThinkIt! has allowed our students to explore personal issues while keeping their privacy. It has been respectful and allowed an alternative for healthy, teachable moments a student might not receive elsewhere.”
Steven Zipkes, Principal, Cedars International Next Generation High School, Austin, TX
“While students are able to connect today more than ever before, these relationships lack sufficient depth to develop SEL skills on their own. Schools now have an increased responsibility to teach these concepts to nurture positive peer-to-peer interactions, develop introspection, and ensure students are equipped with proper coping mechanisms.”
George Helfenstine, Natl. Board Certified Teacher, Austin, TX
“On a personal note, thank you for your hard work with this reThinkIt! It’s the exact type of thing I needed when I was in high school.”
Jennifer Thompson, 9th grade English Teacher, Cedars Intl. Academy, Austin, TX