Using AI that lets the data do the speaking and kids do the talking

We think kids are really smart. They just need a way to actively participate in their mental and emotional well-being with tools that help them navigate the sticky emotional situations they face daily.
Results show reThinkIt! empowers students to make wiser choices.
Given the opportunity, they are accepting responsibility more frequently, communicating more about how they are feeling and taking the time to share their side of the story.
Key Findings
Ready to see where wiser choices takes your kids?
Key Finding: Accepting Responsibility – reThinkIt! assists students in reducing resistance to accepting responsibility for their choices and actions. It encourages students to make amends.
Key Finding: Emotions – Administrators tell us they typically get one emotion from a student when asked how they’re feeling. Using reThinkIt! and the safe environment it provides, students select on average 5.4 emotions.
Key Finding: More Information Shared – reThinkIt! provides a way for students to express their viewpoint — a 600% increase over face-to-face interactions.
Love Notes From Our Kid Customers
“I stress out a lot so it [reThinkIt!] would calm me down and help me get my words together.”
8th grade girl
“I would recommend this to my friends that don’t know how to communicate their problems that well.”
8th grade girl
“reThinkIt! is helpful because it helps the person of authority find out both sides of the story.”
9th grade boy
“When going through reThinkIt!, one thing I thought was pretty cool was how easy it was to use.”
9th grade boy
“I think it’s better to use reThinkIt! to put your story together because my words get mixed up when I go to the principal’s office and I give the wrong impression.”
9th grade boy
“[With reThinkIt! you can put it in a way that makes sense for you and you don’t have to have the teacher interpret what you’ve said.”
9th grade boy
Key Findings
Ready to see where wiser choices takes your kids?
Key Finding: Something else going on in their life – students report something else going on in their life.
Key Finding: “Cooling Down” – One of the most powerful benefits of reThinkIt! is the ability to positively influence a majority of students in “cooling down” emotionally.
Key Finding: Average Completion Time – Although students in middle school think about their feelings more often than younger children, they are typically less likely to want to talk to adults about their problems. reThinkIt! prepares students for a meaningful conversation with school authorities.