

Welcome to the MintyReportBot
Anonymous Reporting System
Cedars International Schools
English | Español

If this is an emergency requiring immediate help dial 911 now.

A way to anonymously report any suspicious and/or unacceptable behaviors related to harassment, bullying, or cyberbullying to your school’s campus authorities.

The MintyReportBot is for students, school staff or parents to
report harassment, bullying or cyberbullying.

Simply fill out the form on this page and hit “Send Report”.

Once submitted, you will receive a notification that your information has been sent to the school authorities.

Note: Cedars International Schools takes cyberbullying and other online crimes seriously. Issuing a false report will result in disciplinary consequences and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

All reports submitted remain anonymous. Reports submitted will be handled as soon as possible.


[contact-form-7 id=”1933″ title=”MintyReportBot”]