Average Daily Attendance Calculator
Proven to be a powerful tool to preserve money from improved student attendance and teacher retention

New Technologies For Improved Student Performance
Born out of a client school case study, where the principal reported saving her school approximately $100,000.00 over a 9 month school year, the Average Daily Attendance Savings Estimate CalculatorTM was created to give administrators the opportunity to estimate potential cost savings your district could possibly retain using reThinkIt! or ThinkingApp to increase your average daily attendance (ADA) and teacher retention.
The calculator is meant for no other purpose than to provide preliminary estimates for informational purposes only. If you would like to discuss further how you could take advantage of possibly even the smallest of ADA savings, contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your specific needs further. No pressure sales. No strings attached.
Average Daily Attendance Savings Estimate Calculator*
Below, enter any number of schools in your district, the average daily cost per student and percentage increase desired to calculate an estimated potential cost savings* your district could potentially retain using reThinkIt! or ThinkingApp to increase your average daily attendance (ADA).
This calculator is meant to provide preliminary estimates for informational purposes only and does not account for specific facts or details that could be present in any particular set of circumstances. We do not guaranty in any way the cost savings reflected by this calculator.
“What Mayor Adler and Superintendent Cruz are doing in Austin in the technology space is linked to a variety of initiatives…best practices for us to learn from. A shared commitment to leveraging education technology and innovations has increased quality of life and academic performance in Austin.”
“In Austin, we like to keep things going, keep things moving, keep it innovative, keep a lot of startups…But it is always about trying to solve a problem in a different way…some issues that are systemic and we’re always trying to approach it with the same solution and it isn’t going to work.”